I’ve been going back and forth on what color to paint a couple of nightstands for my bedroom.
First I thought black.
Then I thought white.
Then black.
Is it just me or does it feel like we’ve been in the month of January forever?
It’s not that I have anything against January – I like it just fine – but I do have the feeling of being on a hamster wheel for the past few weeks for some reason. Too much time spent snuggled on the couch in front of the fireplace perhaps? 🙂
What’s the best way to refresh a space when your wallet is recovering from the holidays (and those hard to resist post-holiday sales)?
Move the things you already have around!
Swap an end table with a night stand. Use that old trunk at the foot of the bed for a coffee table. Move your dining buffet lamps into the living room. It’s amazing sometimes what giving new purpose to an old piece can do – and it’s free.
The other day I came across an old post from a couple of years ago.
It was a nice reminder to me that sometimes we need a little trial and error, and it’s okay to not get it “just right” on the first try. The journey and the process are supposed to be fun – and so much can be learned along the way.
So in case you missed it the first time, or just need a little reminder too, I thought I’d share it again. Keep in mind this was nearly two years ago, so things have changed even more around here. Maybe I should do a series of room evolution posts someday…
I think it’s safe to say that winter is pretty much in full force and effect just about everywhere right now. I happen to be one of those odd people who enjoys the season, but I will admit it doesn’t do a whole lot for my productivity. The short days and cold air have me craving couch time with a cozy blanket and a fire like no other.
Which could be why I love it so much.
Or maybe it’s because no other season is more perfect for being home.
You all are such an easy bunch to please.
In my last post I asked what you wanted to see here and based on the feedback, what I thought was boring you all to tears is exactly what you come here for. You like seeing simple and easy ways to change things up – no big budgets or messy renovations required. That my friends, I can do – you are coming to the right place!
I think we all like the feeling of less clutter and open space at the start of a new year. It’s refreshing, rejuvenating, and I, for one, find it so much easier to just think and breathe when I’m not surrounded by a lot of stuff.
So every year when January rolls around I crave spaces that feel open, airy, and fresh, yet still maintain that warmth that makes you want to snuggle in on those cold winter nights.
Happy New Year!!
So much promise comes with the start of a new year, doesn’t it?
Not to state the obvious, but I had no hesitations whatsoever about saying goodbye to 2017 – it was pretty much the worst year of my life. And I wish I could say that I’m starting off 2018 with a clean state and a paved path to start fresh, but I’m not. There are still loose ends to tie up and hurdles to be crossed, but I’m hoping to get those behind me within the first few months so I can then truly begin to move forward. What exactly is moving forward going to look like? I have no idea! I’m just going to see where things take me and it will be a surprise for you and for me.
I’ll be honest – I have NO idea why you all come back here week after week. I have NO idea how this blog continues to grow. I feel like over the last year or so I’ve only given it half the attention it (and all of you) deserves and yet you’re all still here. I do know that there are so many things I want to do with this blog. Things I’ve been wanting to do for some time – I just haven’t been able to find the focus to sit down and put them all into place. So I guess that’s a resolution of sorts – it’s something I would like to work on and something positive I can look forward to. It also brings me to the next two things…