Hi there!
So I took a little unintended break from things around here. I’m so sorry if you have left me a comment or sent a message and I haven’t yet responded – I didn’t mean to neglect you all on purpose. I started a project, and then things got busy, and then Jordan had his second surgery, and I basically didn’t even open my computer for nearly three weeks.
So what’s new? How have you been? Did you have a nice Easter? I feel like we have so much to catch up on!
First things first – Jordan’s surgery was two weeks ago and everything went well. Doctors are happy with how his recovery is progressing and we have our fingers crossed for positive reports from here on out. It’s definitely been a not-so-fun part of our year so far: Me, because I’m a worry-wart. Him, because…well…he’s actually had to go through the surgery and recovery part. Twice.
Needless to say, the best intentions for house projects have been put on hold. No matter how excited you are to do something, projects can be stressful and exhausting – and we’ve had enough of that with everything else, so the kitchen plans had to take a seat on the back burner for a bit. Which is okay, because that just allows me more time to really think about things and make sure I’m going to end up making choices I’ll be happy with for the long haul.
That said, I did find myself craving something creative. Remember waaaayy back when I was going to makeover our master bedroom? I moved some things around and swapped out the bedding and then did nothing. I knew in order to achieve the look I was going for I would have to do two things: 1. Paint the walls white and 2. Replace the bed.
Well…I’m still shopping out a new bed frame – every time I find something I LOVE (and I refuse to buy one unless I LOVE it), it costs way more than I want to spend, so I decided to tackle the other hurdle in the room and I painted the walls.
At the risk of sounding like a crazy person, I really do enjoy painting a room. Let me be clear – I hate taking everything down, and patching all the holes, and moving the furniture, but once you get past that part and it’s only about a paint brush and a roller – I could do that all day long. I find it so relaxing.
Nothing crazy about that, right?
I chose Benjamin Moore’s Dune White. And I love it! You might remember I used this same color in my office, but in there only tinted at 50%. For the bedroom I wanted a bit more contrast so I went with a full tint and it’s perfect.
I still don’t love our current bed, but it doesn’t bother me quite as much now that the walls are lighter color. I also moved the furniture back to the previous layout – I think I like this one better.
I have a couple ideas for something to do with that giant expanse of wall behind the bed, a furniture makeover or two, new lighting (ceiling and bedside lights have been ordered – both are on backorder 🙁 ), and have been shopping nightstands. More on all that soon.
It’s good to be back friends – hope you all have been well!
Previous Post: Spring Decorating in the Dining Room
Thanks Jenny!
It looks beautiful! The paint color is just lovely! It fits in with the rest of your home and looks like you! (Your taste, if that makes sense. 😉) Glad your hubby is doing well! Surgeries and recovery are no fun. Blessings to you & your family!
Thank you so much! For the first time since moving into this house nearly six years ago, I finally feel like I’m getting somewhere with this bedroom. That new paint color has made all the difference – it’s definitely more in line with the rest of our home’s “look”. 🙂
Hey glad to hear from you! Glad also to hear that your husband is on the mend. I know all about health issues. My husband was out of work for a month last year due to a surgery and he is self- employed. I have been battling lyme disease and side effects for 2 years. Sickness can really take it’s toll. But the decorator that you are, you were able to paint a room in the middle of this! Looks great as usual. I hope you are keeping those lamps somewhere else because they are really nice. Looking forward to all the updates!
Hi Julie! Sickness can definitely take a toll – it’s a whole different kind of exhaustion and stress, isn’t it? I don’t know what it is about painting a room, but it somehow lets me shut my mind down and focus on the task in front of me – it’s like therapy. Kind of weird, I know. 😉 I haven’t decided what to do with the lamps quite yet, but I’ll probably be hanging on to them for the time being. I have heard lyme disease can be a scary, awful thing to go through – I’m so sorry to hear you have had to go through that. Sending positive health and healing vibes your way – I hope both you and your husband have the worst behind you and are feeling better every day!
Hey Tonya! Glad you’re back! I’ve missed you. Wishing your husband (and you, because I know how us wives worry) a speedy recovery and back to normal (ish) life so you guys can have some fun with the renovations! Can’t wait to see what you have in store!
Thanks so much Diane! I am definitely looking forward to return to a normal(ish) – and normal(ish) is such an excellent way to put it! – life. I’m a creature of routine and habit so these past few months have been a bit trying. Hoping we can find your rhythm again soon!
Hello Tonya, family well being always has to come first! The computer, blog & instagram can wait. I know, as I had to focus for many months on my family too, and I’m only just finding my way back to my social media friends! Pleased to hear that Jordan will be ok 🙂 Your bedroom refresh looks terrific! We have finally painted our home too and I swear that our home sighed with relief as the pink, red & chocolate brown walls were covered with the calming neutral we have chosen! I envy that you can paint yourself.! Hubs & I tried and realised that we are hopeless at it, so we called in a painter.
Its great to have you back, thanks for the chat! Have a wonderful day 🙂
Hi Min! I agree – health and family must always come first. They are the most important and yet sometimes I think the things we take for granted the most. How exciting to have a fresh new feel around your house – I am never not amazed at how much impact a few gallons of paint can have on a space. Enjoy the new look – I’m sure it has sparked all sorts of creative energy in you and feels so good to start to see your vision come to life. 🙂
Glad you are back!
Thanks Shari! Looking forward to returning to a somewhat normal routine!!
Hi, Tonya. I’m so sorry Jordan had to go through two operations, but happy he now gets to recover and leave those experiences behind. You both have my total empathy. A week ago yesterday my husband had open-heart surgery. That said, it couldn’t have gone better and he is recovering remarkably well. To say that I am relieved, ecstatic for him, and exhausted (emotionally and physically), is an understatement. My best wishes to you both, Ardith
I understand all of what you are feeling, Ardith – relieved, ecstatic, exhausted – yep that about covers it! So glad to hear your husband is recovering well and on the mend – that must have been such a scary and nerve wrecking time for your whole family. Sending thoughts of good health and continued healing your way!