Is it really Monday already? Where oh where do the weekends go?? I’m always amazed at how fast those two days go by, but at least our days are getting longer now and we had the most beautiful, sunny day on Saturday to boot – such a bonus and it has me so anxious for spring.
Too bad we have snow in the forecast this week… 🙁
So last week, I shared a few simple styling tips for creating little vignettes around your house. I had plans to do a similar post with coffee tables for today, but technical difficulties prevented me from completing my photo shoot on Saturday, and Sunday was too cloudy to try again. Long story short, I only have one look to share with you today. But one look is better than no looks, right? At least that’s what I’m telling myself so I feel better about it. 🙂 #bloggerfail #again #maybeiwilldobetternextweek